Welcome to Amara Med Spa's HCG blog! HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, the hormone produced by pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. HCG works to burn abnormal fat stores when combined with a specific low calorie diet. On average you burn an extra 2,000 to 4,000 calories a day from your abnormal fat stores. HCG also works to reset your metabolism through it's effects on the hypothalamus, which helps ensure weight stays off. Women average 20 lbs. a month weight loss, men average 30 lbs. a month. Here at Amara we offer a prescription for sublingual drops (a drop administered under the tongue twice daily), sublingual tablets (once daily) or daily injections. Our program costs $199 for your first month. This visit includes a physical exam by our Nurse Practitioner, order form for blood panel testing, body fat testing, weight, measurements, Vitamin B12 injection, program booklet, meal planning and program explanation. This cost also covers all your weekly follow-ups for the month. Additional months are $99/month. Our clients have had a ton of success with losing their weight and keeping it off. We decided to start this blog to give HCG tips, to encourage, and to share success stories! Each patient has a unique experience to share with others and we encourage everyone to post! We will share new recipies and restaurants and grocery stores that will help us all along the way. Thank you for choosing Amara Med Spa to guide you with your HCG program!

Lemon Mustard Cabbage

Try this vegetable dish to go along with your chicken or fish. It is especially good with an asain chicken recipe. Cabbage cooked with lemon is so tasty- even when not on HCG!

•3.5 oz. cabbage

•juice of half lemon

•1/2 t spicy mustard

•natural sea salt(sparingly)/pepper (to taste)

1.Place cabbage in steamer. Cover and steam 5-10 mins, until slightly tender.

2.In small bowl, combine spicy mustard and lemon juice.

3.Place cabbage in bowl. Add lemon/mustard mix and toss.

4.Sprinkle with salt/pepper.

5.Serve immediately.

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